Swimming pool

There is a swimming pool, sauna (dry, for 4 people) and a hot tub. The Wellness amenities are included in the accommodation price.
Sauna is open between 5.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Technical information
The swimming pool is open to all hotel guests, but also to individuals who do not stay in the hotel, as well as organised groups, e.g. from schools.
The swimming pool area covers two changing rooms, a dry sauna and a hot tub.
The swimming pool is 18m long and 9m wide, from 0.8 to 1.5m deep. The water temperature ranges between 27.5°C–28.5°C.
Water exercises:
•    Water areobics

Exercises in water engage lots of muscles and are gentle on joints (safe movements) with an increased water resistance. They improve overall physical condition, strengthen and shape the body, have positive influence on everybody’s frame of mind and eliminate tensions and stress. The classes are perfect both for women and men, the younger and older, for those with spine problems and for obese people.

The class cost (45 min) – PLN 25.
10 classes ticket is PLN 190 
The ticket is valid only for 10 weeks after the purchase.
•    Individual swimming lessons

Classes take place on a daily basis, from Monday to Sunday, time reservations required. The interested individuals are invited to call the front desk.

1 person PLN 60
2 people PLN 70
3 people PLN 90




You are more than welcome to take part in our water activities!

Monday 7.00 p.m.
AQUAFUN – 45 minute fun in water, muscle strengthening,
skin toning and energy booster

Thursday*  7.00 p.m.
AQUAFUN – 45 minute fun in water, muscle strengthening,
skin toning and energy booster

Please remember to make a reservation at the front desk.


Price per 1h


Mon - Fri
PLN 19
PLN 17

Sat – Sun / Holidays
PLN 19
PLN 17

Swimming pool (10 visits)*

PLN 170

PLN 150

Swimming with sauna
PLN 200


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